Trees in office courtyard

greenpass Kit

Climate, Water, Wind, Biodiversity, Energy and Cost up to official greenpass (Pre-)Certification and EU Taxonomy compliance: no matter the challenge, select the respective modules from the greenpass Kit to optimize the resilience of your real estate and open spaces successfully by reducing your risks.



Modulized & tailored to your needs for plenty of use cases

The unique greenpass Kit consists of state-of-the-art and scientifically profound modules: greenpass Climate, Wind, Water, Pre-Certification, Certification and EU Taxonomy. Select your modules and add-ons towards your needs.

Only one click to get your tailored service offer now !

Climate resilience & thermal comfort for future-proof real estate

The urban climate defines the well-being and livability for people in your real estate and open space and as a consequence their value and operating cost. Find the most effective and impactful design with the digital-driven and holistic greenpass Climate module.

Greenpass Climate is part of the greenpass Kit and enables the evaluation and optimization of climate-fit real estate and open spaces. The software-based and scientifically developed greenpass Climate analyzes real estate and open spaces with regard to 5 urban challenges:

  • Climate
  • Water
  • Air
  • Biodiversity
  • Energy
greenpass climate check


Fact-based & well-founded decision making
Climate-fit real estate & open space
Future & investment security
Impact & cost optimization
Substantial market advantage & valorization
Be a good neighbour
Start with your greenpass Climate now
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What you get

Professional guidance and selection of effective measures to improve the climate resilience of your project is facilitated with ease. The process is documented in a comprehensible report for non-experts that summarizes the most relevant findings, but also provides all produced data in detail.

  • quantitative impact assessment using climate KPIs
  • thematic maps & diagrams
  • scenario performance comparisons
  • guidance on resilience & optimization measures
  • comprehensive & easy comprehensible report

Greenpass Climate delivers urban climate consultancy based on the unique digital assessment methodology. A performance profile of your project is drawn up based on 12 key performance indicators. Highly informative heatmaps locate weak spots in the design and enable effective countermeasures. Utalizing a digital twin as single source of truth created with our editor and the leading microclimate expert simulation ENVI-met you receive:

Performance Card for greenpass Climate-Check
greenpass reporting climate check

Where to apply greenpass Climate

The global climate change poses a threat to real estate as it impacts quality of life and valuation. Therefore, the aspect of climate resilience should be regarded from the first planning phases til detailed design.

Greenpass Climate is universal and can be applied worldwide to get the best climate resilience for your projects. It can be used for newly planned as well as existing real estate and parks from individual buildings up to entire districts with a size of up to approx. 200 ha.

With regard to the specific challenges and aims of projects, greenpass Climate is modular combinable with other modules from the greenpass Kit. e.g. with the greenpass (Pre-)Certification that additionally optimizes cost and impact or the greenpass EU Taxonomy.

greenpass climate-fit buildings & open space

New & Existing

Product features

Comprehensive & fact-based check for climate & environmental impact
High resolution microclimate expert simulations powered by ENVI-met (LOD1 & LOD2)
5 urban challenges evaluated based on 12 KPIs
Comprehensible graphics & heatmaps for performance analyses
Guidance on climate resilience & optimization measures for your project
Easy to understand & transparent report with executive summary
Start with your greenpass Climate now
Tell us about your project

How does greenpass Climate work

With regard to your projects needs, greenpass Climate can be enhanced by numerous add-ons such as future climates, scenario comparison or combined with other checks.

The simulation results are combined with spatial analyses to calculate key performance indicators. These indicators have been scientifically published and accepted by the EU commission. Greenpass Climate focuses on the thermal comfort for humans as well as the energy balance of your project.

Greenpass Climate is based on leading expert-simulation ENVI-met. A digital twin of your project is created according to your planning phase and Level of Detail. Following a standardized process for input data and processing high resolution simulations are conducted, producing a vast amount of data.

Flower Climate

Key Performance Indicators

Greenpass Climate delivers quantitative and scientifically profound key performance indicators that allow to evaluate and optimize your project towards 5 urban challenges:


Thermal load score
Thermal comfort score
Thermal performance
Solar radiation
Shading area factor


Run-off score


Carbon storage score
Wind flow


Leaf area


Thermal storage score

Customer success stories

Learn more about our innovative solutions by meaningful customer success stories and use cases.

Only one step ahead! Access your greenpass cockpit now & design climate-fit & future proof developments with ease!

Climate Check report front page

greenpass Climate Product Book

Find more information on greenpass Climate in the product book.


Wind comfort & safety for your real estate

The wind field defines the usability of open spaces, the wind comfort as well as the nocturnal cooling performance. Evaluate and optimize the wind field of your real estate and open spaces with the digital-driven greenpass Wind with ease.

Greenpass Wind is part of the greenpass kit and analysis all wind related aspects and risks of urban design, architecture and open space:

  • Wind comfort
  • Wind danger
  • Cool Air Stream
  • Downdraft
  • Drag resistance
wind check icon


Fact-based & well-founded decision making
Optimal wind comfort
Avoidance of wind danger & risks
Fullfilment of regulations
Optimal night cooling
Future & investment security
Start with your greenpass Wind now
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What you get

Thanks to professional guidance and selection of effective measures the wind comfort, cold air stream is improved and wind dangers may be avoided with ease. The process is documented in a comprehendible report for non-experts that summarizes the most relevant findings, but also provides all produced data in detail.

  • quantitative impact assessment using KPIs
  • wind comfort maps & graphs
  • scenario comparisons
  • guidance on wind system & optimization measures
  • comprehensive & easy comprehensible report

The simulation results are presented as wind comfort maps (NEN8100), cross-section graphs and more along with key performance indicators to give you easy understanding of the wind system and the ability to react in the design based on our recommendations.

Utalizing a digital twin as single source of truth created with our editor and the leading wind expert simulation OpenFOAM you receive:

Greenpass Wind delivers a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the wind system on your project. The impact of 4 to 16 wind directions – depending on the design phase of your project – at different velocities are examined.

Performance Card for greenpass Wind-Check

Where to apply greenpass Wind

The urban wind field defines the wind comfort and safety for people and as a consequence the usability of open space, balconies and terraces. It is also decisive for cold air stream and night cooling.

Greenpass Wind is universal and can be applied worldwide to optimize wind comfort and open space usability as well as climate resilience for your projects. It can be used for newly planned as well as existing real estate and parks from individual buildings up to entire districts with a size of up to approx. 200 ha.

With regard to the specific challenges and aims of projects, greenpass Wind is combinable with other modules from the greenpass Kit. e.g. with greenpass Climate, that additionally focuses on thermal comfort and climate resilience or greenpass EU Taxonomy.

greenpass climate-fit buildings & open space

New & Existing

Product features

Comprehensive & fact-based check for wind comfort & wind danger
High resolution wind & cold air stream simulations powered by OpenFOAM
up to 16 wind directions and seasons covered
Comprehensible graphics & heatmaps for wind analyses
Guidance on wind comfort, wind danger & optimization measures for your project
Easy to understand & transparent report with executive summary
Start with your greenpass Wind now
Tell us about your project

How does greenpass Wind work

Greenpass Wind is based on leading expert-simulation OpenFOAM. A digital twin of your project is created according to your planning phase and Level of Detail. Following a standardized process for input data and processing high resolution simulations are conducted, producing a vast amount of data.

The simulation results are plotted as wind maps, cross sections and used to calculate key performance indicators. These indicators build up on existing standards such as the NEN 8100 or the VDI 3787. Greenpass Wind focuses on the wind comfort for humans as well as avoidance of wind danger and cool air streaming of your project.

With regard to your projects needs, greenpass Wind can be enhanced by numerous add-ons such as volume streams, surface pressures, scenario comparison or combined with other modules from the greenpass Kit.

Flower Wind

Key performance indicators

Greenpass Wind delivers a series of highly informative maps, as e.g. wind comfort map according to NEN 8100 and calculates the following key performance indicators to allow comparison of designs and optimization:


Wind Comfort Score
Wind Resistance Score
Cold Air Stream Score
Air Exchange Score

Customer success stories

Learn more about our innovative solutions by meaningful customer success stories and use cases.

Only one step ahead! Access your greenpass cockpit now & design climate-fit & future proof developments with ease!

greenpass Wind Product Book

Find more information on greenpass Wind in the product book.


Rainwater management & pluvial flood prevention for your real estate

Rainwater is the key to climate regulation thanks to evaporative cooling. At the same time heavy rain events represent a threat to safety of people and assets. Find the ideal design to store water on site while preventing flood risks with the digital-driven greenpass Water.

Greenpass Water is part of the greenpass Kit and allows to assess and optimize the efficiency and safety of your rain water management looking at the most relevant design aspects:

  • Run-off at different rain events
  • Pluvial flood safety
  • Water storage
  • Water infiltration


Fact-based & well-founded decision making
Heavy rain resilient real estate & open space
Future & investment security
Impact & cost optimization
Compliance with regulations
Cost saving for sewer system and irrigation
Start with your greenpass Water now
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What you get

Greenpass Water delivers a comprehensive analysis of the rain water management based on an unique digital assessment methodology. It focuses on an optimal balance between water storage and runoff to minimize operational costs and guarantee pluvial flood safety. Different rain events with dynamic or static rainfall patterns and intensities are considered for return periods of up to 100 years.

We perform for you high-resolution hydrological simulations using a leading expert tool SWMM. The simulation results are presented as thematic maps providing easy understanding of the qualities of your design. Enhancement of your project’s rain water management is facilitated by pinpointing its improvement potential and by professional guidance on selection of effective measures.

The process is documented in a comprehensible report that summarizes the most relevant findings for non-experts, but also provides all produced data in detail. In summary, you receive:

  • quantitative impact assessment using Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • thematic maps & diagrams
  • scenario performance comparisons
  • guidance on resilience & optimization measures
  • comprehensive report

With regard to your projects needs, greenpass Water can be enhanced by numerous add-ons such as future climates, scenario comparison or combined with other checks.

Where to apply greenpass Water

Due to the global climate change the occurrence and intensity of heavy rainfall will increase as will heat waves and drought periods. It is essential to balance heavy rain and drought to secure your real estate and save operational costs.

Greenpass Water is universal and can be applied worldwide to get the best rain water management and pluvial flood safety for your projects. It can be used for newly planned as well as existing real estate and parks from individual buildings up to entire districts with a size of up to approx. 200 ha.

With regard to the specific challenges and aims of projects, greenpass Water is combinable with other modules from the greenpass Kit. e.g. with greenpass Wind that evaluates the wind comfort and risks or greenpass EU Taxonomy.

greenpass climate-fit buildings & open space

New & Existing

Product features

Comprehensive & fact-based check for climate & environmental impact
Digital twin and high-resolution hydrology expert simulations powered by SWMM in LOD 1 or 2
Heavy rain events with different durations, intensities & return periods for maximum safety
Comprehensible graphics & thematic maps for performance analyses
Guidance on rain water management & optimization measures for your project
Easy to understand & transparent report with executive summary
Start with your greenpass Water now
Read about successful applications

How does greenpass Water work

Greenpass Water is based on a leading expert-simulation tool SWMM. A digital twin of your project is created first using our Editor according to the planning phase and Level of Detail. This digital twin is used as a single source of truth and transformed to a high-resolution SWMM hydrological model. Multiple simulations are conducted using this model, following a standardized process for data input and processing, producing a vast amount of data.

The simulation results are plotted as thematic maps, temporal runoff curves and key performance indicators are calculated. The indicators correlate with regulations and guidelines regarding rain water management.

water check

Key Performance Indicators

Greenpass Water delivers informative maps that allow to understand the rainwater management of your project and calculates valuable key performance indicators to compare and optimize:

Water Runoff

Runoff score
Runoff map
Temporal runoff curve

Water Capture

Potential water capture score
Actual water capture score
Potential water capture map
Actual water capture map

Water Storage

Potential storage score
Actual storage score
Potential storage map
Actual storage map

Water Exfiltration

Water exfiltration score
Water exfiltration map

Water Distribution

Runoff map
Sink & source map

Customer success stories

Learn more about our innovative solutions by meaningful customer success stories and use cases.

Only one step ahead! Access your greenpass cockpit now & design climate-fit & future proof developments with ease!

greenpass Water Product Book

Find more information on the greenpass Water Module in the product book.


Best climate resilience & cost-efficiency for your project

Effective climate adaptation demands for a comprehensive and competent support of the planning process that accounts for the various interacting aspects of climate resilience and cost at the same time.

The greenpass Pre-Certification gives you exactly the support you need in the decision making process and is the perfect preparation for a climate resilience certification. It enables the evaluation and optimization of climate-fit real estate and open spaces towards impact, resilience and cost, covering 6 urban challenges:

  • Climate
  • Water
  • Air
  • Biodiversity
  • Energy
  • Cost
greenpass pre-certificates


Pre-Certificate and proof of climate resilience
Cost effective and impactful design
investment security and up to +20% valuation
Impact & cost optimization
Optimal climate resilience and quality of life
Start with your greenpass Pre-Certification now
Tell us about your project

What you get

The greenpass Pre-Certification supports the whole planning process based on a high-resolution microclimate expert simulation ENVI-met for a hot day.

It includes a comprehensive evaluation & official Pre-Certification with impact figures, graphics and optimization recommendations, which are summarized in an easy-to-understand report:

  • quantitative impact assessment using KPIs
  • thematic maps & diagrams
  • standard reference scenarios
  • guidance on resilience & optimization measures
  • comprehensive & easy comprehendible report
  • official Pre-Certification

Fact-based results including effective optimization recommendations lead you to the most cost effective and climate resilient design for your real estate and open spaces. Based on standard reference scenarios the relative effectiveness of your project is calculated.

Performance Card for greenpass Pre-Certification-Check

Where to apply the greenpass Pre-Certification

The quality of urban developments and architecture regarding climate resilience starts at the early planning phases. Projects which endeavor to be sustainable and future-proof should apply the greenpass Pre-Certification from the concept design phase onwards to give guidance on the impact and cost of the envisaged design.

It is advisable to optimize projects as early as possible before the greenpass Pre-Certification with a greenpass Climate, Wind or Water. With the greenpass Pre-Certification, developments can be optimized in terms of cost/benefit and officially pre-certified.

The greenpass Pre-Certification can be used for new buildings as well as existing ones for a large number of use cases worldwide.

greenpass climate-fit buildings & open space

New & Existing

Product features

Scientifically profound and approved Pre-Certification
6 urban challenges
28 highly informative KPIs
Digital Twin of your project including 3 reference scenarios
High resolution microclimate expert simulations powered by ENVI-met in LOD 1 or 2
Comprehensible graphics & heatmaps for performance analyses
Guidance on climate resilience & optimization measures for your project
Easy to understand & transparent report with executive summary
Start with your greenpass Pre-Certification now
Read about successful applications

How does the greenpass Pre-Certification work

The greenpass Pre-Certification is an iterative process that is meant to support the design process and identify the overall most impactful and cost efficient solution for your project.

To that end a digital twin of your project and 3 reference scenarios are created with the greenpass editor software. A high resolution mciroclimate simulation is performed for your project and the reference scenarios with ENVI-met.

In combination with spatial analyses, heat maps and 28 meaningful key performance indicators are generated that are used to analyse and optimize your project efficiently. The result is summarized in a report and Pre-certificate that indicates the expected certification level of the project.

Flower Certification

Key performance indicators

The greenpass Pre-Certification calculates the climate resilience of your project in comparison to reference scenarios for 28 key performance indicators. It also relates the cost of green infrastructures to their impact.


Thermal load score
Thermal comfort score
Thermal performance
Shading area factor
Night-time cooling


Leaf area
Green space
Shannon index


Cost invest Gl
Cost invest Gl/m²
Cost invest Gl/TCS
Cost invest Gl/Water storage
Cost invest Gl/Red. Cooling degree
Cost maintenance Gl
Cost maintenance Gl/m²
Cost water demand Gl/m²


Run-off score
Sealing grade
Water demand Gl
Water demand Gl/TCS


Carbon storage score
Wind flow


Thermal storage score
Cooling degree hours building

Only one step ahead! Access your greenpass cockpit now & design climate-fit & future proof developments with ease!

greenpass (Pre-)Certification Product Book

Find more information about greenpass Pre-Certification in the product book.


The international certification standard for climate resilience

Adaptation to climate change and climate resilience become ever more important to real estate projects given their economic lifecycle of many decades. It is important to find the most impactful and cost efficient design.

The greenpass Certification delivers just that and allows to communicate the qualities and value of your project towards sustainability linked fonds, buyers or tenants. It is the perfect complementary match to green building certificates as BREEAM, LEED, DGNB/ÖGNI or klima:aktiv.

The greenpass Certification enables the evaluation and optimization of climate-fit real estate and open spaces towards impact, resilience and cost, covering 6 urban challenges and 4 bonus challenges:

  • Climate
  • Water
  • Air
  • Biodiversity
  • Energy
  • Cost
  • Ecology
  • Ressources
  • Social
  • Mobility
certification check icon


Official certificate and proof of climate resilience
Green finance and ESG reporting
investment security and up to +20% valuation
Impact & cost optimization
Communication and marketing
Optimal climate resilience and quality of life
Start with your greenpass Certification now
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What you get

The greenpass Certification evaluates the final design of your existing or newly planned project towards 28 key performance and more than 20 bonus indicators based on a high-resolution microclimate expert simulation ENVI-met for a hot day as well as spatial and design analyses.

Your project can collect up to 360 points in 6 urban challenges and 4 bonus challenges. As proof of the quality of your project you a unique award package that contains:

  • official certificate
  • certification letter
  • comprehensive report
  • certificate plaques
Performance Card for greenpass Certification-Check

International certificate for climate resilience

Where to apply the greenpass Certification

The quality of urban developments and architecture regarding climate resilience needs profound planning support and, finally, proof. Many aspects as valuation, investment security and ESG reporting depend on that.

Projects which endeavor to be sustainable and future-proof should utilize our unique greenpass Certification to benefit by

  • increase valuation
  • access to green fonds & finance
  • increase green asset ratio
  • communicate and market its high quality

It is highly advisable to optimize projects as early as possible before the greenpass Certification to get the best results. It is recommended to make use of the full extend of the greenpass Kit for newly planned projects. Existing projects should be evaluated and optimized with the greenpass Pre-Certification to assure a satisfying certification level.

The greenpass Certification can be used for a large number of use cases worldwide. It is ideally combined with a green building certificate.

greenpass climate-fit buildings & open space

New & Existing

Product features

Scientifically profound and approved greenpass certification
6 urban challenges and 4 bonus challenges
28 highly informative KPIs + 26 bonus indicators
Digital Twin for high resolution simulations including 3 reference scenarios in LOD 2
High resolution microclimate expert simulations powered by ENVI-met
Comprehensible graphics & heatmaps for performance analyses
Guidance on climate resilience & optimization measures for your project
Easy to understand & transparent report with executive summary
Start with your greenpass Certification now
Read about successful applications

How does the greenpass Certification work

The greenpass Certification creates a digital twin of your project and 3 standardized reference scenarios (worst case, moderate case, best case) using our greenpass editor software. A high resolution microclimate simulation is performed for your project and the reference scenarios with ENVI-met.

From the simulation data the performance of your project is extracted. 28 meaningful key performance indicators are generated and together with spatial anayses evaluated towards the performance of the reference scenarios.

Depending on the quality, evaluation points are awarded for each indicator, which together add up to a degree of fulfillment and subsequently a certificate level from certified (at least 35%), silver (from 50%), gold (from 75%) to platinum (from 90% ).

The greenpass Certification finally provides an official certificate of climate resilience that is awarded to the client.

Flower Certification

Key performance indicators

The greenpass Certification assesses the full scope of key performance indicators and bonus indicators to illustrate the quality and efficiency of your project.


Thermal load score
Thermal comfort score
Thermal performance
Shading area factor
Night-time cooling


Leaf area
Green space
Shannon index


Cost invest Gl
Cost invest Gl/m²
Cost invest Gl/TCS
Cost invest Gl/Water storage
Cost invest Gl/Red. Cooling degree
Cost maintenance Gl
Cost maintenance Gl/m²
Cost water demand Gl/m²


Run-off score
Sealing grade
Water demand Gl
Water demand Gl/TCS


Carbon storage score
Wind flow


Thermal storage score
Cooling grade hours building

We support your communication

Customer success stories

Learn more about our innovative solutions by meaningful customer success stories and use cases.

Only one step ahead! Access your greenpass cockpit now & design climate-fit & future proof developments with ease!

greenpass Certification Product Book

Find more information on the greenpass Certification in the product book.


EU-Taxonomy conformity check & ESG reporting

The EU Taxonomy is valid for all economic activities regarding construction, renovation and trading with real estate and sets out criteria and risks for 6 environmental goals that determine, if a real estate qualifies for green finance or as green asset.

  1. climate change mitigation
  2. climate change adaptation
  3. sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources
  4. transition to a circular economy
  5. pollution prevention and control
  6. protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems

Every project needs to contribute significantly to 1 environmental goal while doing no significant harm to the others.

Greenpass EU Taxonomy performs a state-of-the-art climate vulnerability and risk analysis looking at 30 climate related risks, according to the appendices of the EU Taxonomy. You can choose between the “do no significant harm” or the “substantial contribution” approval for environmental goal 2, adaptation to climate change covering:

  • temperature related risks
  • water related risks
  • wind related risks
  • solid related risks
  • today’s & future climate scenarios
  • vulnerability and impact of risks
  • impact of adaptation measures
  • cost efficiency of adaption measures
  • official conformity approval
greenpass EU Taxonomy Check


Profound conformity approval according to EU taxonomy
Comprehensive state-of-the-art risk analysis for today’s and future climate
Future-proof & investment security
Comprehensive state-of-the-art risk analysis
Guidance on adaptation measures to reduce risks
Assessment of the impact of adaptation measures
Start with your greenpass EU Taxonomy now
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What you get

The greenpass EU Taxonomy allows an official approval of conformity with the criteria set out in the EU Taxonomy and its appendices for environmental goal 2. It fully complies with the requirements stated in the official documents and is scientifically profound:

  • high resolution climate data covering the different pathways of climate change
  • state-of-the-art methods for risk assessment and
  • evaluation of effectiveness of adaptation measures are applied

The analysis is based on the most modern methods for risk assessment including leading risk databasis and high resolution heat stress simulation with ENVI-met for 3 future climate scenarios.

A comprehensive list of identified risks, suggested adaptation measures and their effectivness is presenteed in a report including impact numbers, graphics and optimization recommendations.

Performance Card for greenpass EU Taxonomy Check

Where to apply greenpass EU Taxonomy

The financial security of economic activities throughout the EU is linked to the EU taxonomy. All companies on the financial market or those who need to provide reports according to CSRD need to comply with it. In the forthcoming years, the scope and validity of the EU taxonomy will grow.

It is recommended to successively check real estate of your portfolio or new investments in course of due dilligance processes towards compliance with the EU taxonomy. Greenpass EU Taxonomy is the perfect tool to do so for new and existing buildings.

For environmental objective 2 – adaptation to climate change – we offer the assessment and respectively approval for ‘do no significant harm’ and ‘substantial contribution’. In cooperation with our partners, we can provide full approval of all the environmental objectives required for your property.

Greenpass EU Taxonomy can be combined with other modules from the greenpass Kit. With regard to identified risks projects can be optimized with greenpass Climate, Wind and Water.

greenpass climate-fit buildings & open space

New & Existing

Product features

greenpass EU Taxonomy for your real estate
Temperature, wind, water and solid related chronical and acute risks regarded
30 climate related risks analyzed and evaluated
State-of-the-art simulation technology and high resolution climate projections
Guidance on adaptation & reduction of climate risks
Easy to understand & transparent report with executive summary
Start with your greenpass EU Taxonomy now
Read about succesful applications

How does greenpass EU Taxonomy work

Greenpass EU Taxonomy includes a data-driven and holistic climate risk analysis with meaningful KPIs. The module is based on a digital twin from the greenpass editor software, a microclimate simulation (powered by ENVI-met) and the latest risk assessment methods.

Based on the results the client is informed of

  • Identified risks and risk level (low to high)
  • tailored measures of adaptation including their impact and cost efficiency

Based on the selected adapation measures, the process of risk assessment is repeated and the impact of the measures to reduce the risks evaluated. When a significant reduction of risks has been ascertained the compliance with the criteria set out by the EU Taxonomy is granted.

Flower EU

Climate related risks & indicators


Heat stress
Heat waves per year
Heat wave days per year
Tropical nights
Thermal comfort
Changing temperature
Temperature variability
Permafrost thawing
Cool wave


Changing precipitation patterns and types (rain, hail, snow/ice)
Precipitation or hydrological variability
Heavy precipitation (rain, hail, snow/ice)
Flood (coastal, fluvial, pluvial, ground water)
Sea level rise
Water stress
Droughts per year
Draught days per year
Saline intrusion
Ocean acidification
Glacial lake outburst


Changing wind patterns
Cyclone, hurricane, typhoon


Costal erosion
Soil degradation
Soil erosion

greenpass EU Taxonomy Product Book

Find more information on greenpass EU Taxonomy in the product book.
